Do you feel unfulfilled?

I help people who feel unfulfilled, unhappy or as though something is missing in their lives to feel happy, peaceful and content.

My unique, step-by-step method means anyone can change their life, whether you've tried any other personal development methods before or not.

Do you feel as though despite what you've achieved in life there's still something missing?

As though there must be more than this?

Do you struggle to just find peace and contentment regardless of what you do?

Have you listened to other people talking about ways to change your life, but your brain needs a more logical, step by step way to get there?

You're in the right place.

Just take a few seconds to imagine what your life would look like if you felt peaceful and content inside, no matter what was happening in the outside world.

Imagine how happy you would be if you weren't constantly angry, anxious or afraid.

Imagine your relationships with everyone in your life being the best they could be.

That's where this work can take you.

To start your journey you can join my community for free, with no strings attached.

I'm Paul Cope

By joining my free community you get all of the following, totally free and without any catches. You can join just with your first name and email address, and leave at any time. I will never sell or pass on your information to anyone else, because I hate people spamming me so would never do that to you:

  • Exclusive emails in which I share the things I've learnt that have helped my life in some way

  • An exclusive series of videos explaining how you can transform your life

  • Early access to my YouTube videos and podcasts so you can consume my content in whatever way is best for you, at whatever time

  • Access to my free community where you can interact with people just like you who are working on changing their lives

  • Quarterly live Q&A with me in which I answer questions from the community

  • The first four chapters of my book 'How to Solve Any Problem in Life'

  • A full pdf copy of my book 'The 7 Secrets to Change Your Career'

  • Exclusive access to my paid communities in which you can access my online course & I answer your questions about the course and challenges in your life

  • Lots of stories and practical lessons about how this stuff works in real life, and not just in theory from a text book

  • The benefit of all the mistakes I've made along the way, so you can avoid making the same ones

  • Last, but not least, I try my best to keep things as light as possible with some funny stories along the way. Changing our lives is hard enough without it always having to be miserable.

What you get

Who this is for

You're in the middle of your life and have been questioning whether this is all there is.

You've done most, if not all, of the things they told you to do to be happy when you were growing up, but now you're there it feels like there must be more than this.

You have some happy times but often feel sad, lost or even depressed. Maybe you even experience thoughts of ending things.

You need a drink or drugs to help you to enjoy life, you spend too much time on social media numbing out from the world or spend hours mindlessly scrolling through Netflix, Amazon or YouTube.

You wish you had more energy or weren't as overweight as you are, or you have bowel issues or pain in your body that just brings you down.

You look at your partner and question whether they're the right person for you, or you feel unappreciated or undervalued by your kids and family.

You'd like to change your life but you don't really have the time or money to do it, or you look at most people sharing personal development work online and it just doesn't connect with you because it's all too woo-woo or doesn't feel like it would work in your life.

You understand the concept of letting go and just being present, but the way your brain works you need more of a step by step guide about how to actually do it in real life instead of just having nice slogans posted everywhere that don't help.

You want to change but just don't know where to start and who to listen to.

If any of that resonates with you, I know just how you feel.

I hit that place in my life in my mid-thirties. I was depressed and suicidal despite having a life that to the outside world looked perfect. I owned my own law firm and two other businesses. I owned multiple houses including a duplex city centre apartment with 25-foot high ceilings. I drove a fancy car and a few years before had a dream wedding in Spain.

I'd followed all the Tony Robbins advice. I'd pumped myself up, had cold showers and done juice fasts. I'd done affirmations and manifestation boards. I'd got super fit, ran a marathon and made money, but none of it was enough.

So when I was 38 I decided to rip it all apart and start again, figuring out exactly what was causing all of my problems so that I could solve them from their root.

Six years later I've solved all kinds of issues in my life, and I'm still learning and growing. I'm not some guru who'll tell you I've got it all figured out, because I haven't and I believe that doing this work is a lifelong journey in the same way that keeping our bodies fit and healthy is.

But what I have done is found loads of ways of making my life better by studying psychology, emotions and human behaviour. More importantly for my personality, though, was that I figured out how all that theoretical stuff works in real life, because without that bit we all just learn lots of new stuff but it doesn't actually help. I also figured out why lots of the traditional personal development and self-help world just doesn't work for normal people like you and me.

On top of that I've done this work while I was a single man, in a relationship and with kids, so I can relate to the challenges that we all face at all different stages of life, and I can share those experiences with you.

If that feels like it's a good fit with what you're looking for, join my free community by clicking the button below and entering your name and email address, and I'll share with you everything I've learnt.

I look forward to seeing you there.
