Do you want my help?

I'm not like other coaches...

To save wasting any time, let's start where most coaches end: with the price.

Given the demand for what I do, I now only have the time to privately coach a small number of people each month.

The natural laws of supply and demand therefore mean my private coaching requires a higher level of investment from you.

The minimum financial commitment is £1,000 per month for six months (plus VAT if you live in the UK or EU, but you can pay through a company and reclaim the VAT if you have one).

If that's outside of your budget, you can get free and very low cost help from me inside my communities, which you can read all about by clicking here.

If that is within your budget, here's what's included in the coaching:

  • A unique process that I've developed through thousands of hours and tens of thousands of pounds of investing in my own therapy and coaching over the past decade, in which I'll show you the real root causes of all of the problems in your life and help you to completely transform to become the person you've always wanted to be.

  • Fortnightly video calls via Zoom with me of a minimum of one hour each.

  • Exercises to complete between calls that will help you to transform and solve your problems.

  • Unlimited support between calls by email.

  • A signed, limited edition hard back copy of my book "How To Solve Any Problem In Life".

  • A free copy of the audio version of the book.

  • Free lifetime access to my online course taking you through 6 months worth of coaching so that you can go through a refresher whenever you need it.

If you want to move faster through the work and you have a bigger budget to invest in coaching, we can do weekly instead of fortnightly calls for £2,000 (plus VAT if you're in the UK or EU).

If you're interested in exploring further, the first step is for us to have a free, no obligation video call in which you can tell me exactly what you need help with and we can find out whether we'd be a good fit to work together.

To get in touch, just put your name and email address in the form below and I'll come back to you as soon as I can.

If you have any problems with the form, just send an email to

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you didnt come this far to only come this far lighted text
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